That first mandatory post

Sometimes….well, most of the time i wonder how reading some books and blogs leave me speechless. Ever since i had taken up reading as a hobby, which was not long ago, i’ve come to realize how beautiful this portion of art is. Its like a person adding his soul into it and letting it out free to go mesmerise others. Now, i dont know if there are people out there who realize what goes into writing a small piece of anything, but being an underdog kind of a writer, i sure do know how talent, practice and all kinds of blandishment it takes to begin that first word in the blog.

Writing has not only been my strength, but also my weakness. It takes courage to opt for something you know you arent a pro at. And i think that pretty much explains it all. I have a strong passion towards writing and reading that refuses to leave as much i could try. Not that i’ve tried. But everytime i had started a blog, i had only left it after a couple of posts. Repeated writer’s block and a failure to choose scribbling over reading, i’ve voluntarily forgotten the blog’s username and password.

I do dream and aspire to become a busy freelancer soon. Until then, i have a task to make a portfolio so strong like that of a published author. So a very happy blogging to myself and to all of you reading my first confusing but honest blogpost.

Hence (hasnt kicked that word out yet?), my third attempt on blogging. *deep breathe*. Here i come, wordpress. 

What are your reasons to begin writing?